


有色人种员工协会(SOCA)致力于促进yzcca88游戏登录网址历史上未被代表的种族和民族员工的利益和倡导. 我们尊重和庆祝我们文化的多样性,并积极为大学做出贡献:

  • Providing members with a supportive community 和 brave spaces,
  • Fostering belonging for all intersecting experiences,
  • Sharing knowledge about the campus climate,
  • 为整个大学招聘不同的候选人提供支持
  • Establishing meaningful connections between staff, students, 和 faculty of color.


通过致力于个人和组织努力建立尊重,建立一种包容他人的文化,而不是基于任何形式的差异而产生偏见, 尊严, 公平, 有爱心的, 平等, 和自我效能感.



今天加入SOCA! Our lunch meetings are open to all staff members at DU. 给我们发邮件加入我们的神奇小组. Upon receiving your email, we will add you to our SOCA family Teams group.

当: Every 3rd Wednesday of every month from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m
地点: Renaissance Room, 2nd Floor Mary Reed (This might change depending on availability)
Please RSVP to all our events because we want to make sure we have enough food.


  • 9月20日: 
  • October 18th: Cancelled due to Annual 教师 和 工作人员 Awards Luncheon
  • 11月6日12:00-1:00:与校长和教务长在社区共用2600室举行季度会议. Please RSVP to help us with a lunch count
  • 12月13日:社交餐会
  • 1月17日:
  • January 30th: - Quarterly Meeting with Chancellor 和 Provost
  • 2月21日: 
  • 3月20日:
  • 4月17日:
  • May 13th: - Quarterly Meeting with Chancellor 和 Provost
  • June 19th: - end of year social (Juneteenth observed on June 17th) - carnival


SOCA已经搬到了 http://denveru.sharepoint.com/sites/DUJobs人员ofColorAssociation, you will need to register as a member for access.

过往会议主题 & 活动

  • 宣传
  • 会见院长候选人
  • LinkedIn简介工作坊
  • 免学费用途
  • 恢复服务
  • 管理Up培训
  • 社会搅拌机
  • 支持DU亲和组
  • Advancing Diversity 和 Inclusive Excellence
  • 绩效考核
  • 专业发展

View 和 download photos from our first in-person meeting of 2021.


选举 for new officers are held annually during the April meeting. 有关更多信息,请参阅我们的章程.

  • Co-Chair: Waltrina DeFrantz-Dufor, Waltrina.DeFrantz@redpointcontrols.com
  • 联合主席:Fatima Rezaie, Fatima.rezaie@redpointcontrols.com
  • Secretary: Fatima Rezaie, Fatima Rezaie@redpointcontrols.com
  • 司库:凯西·阿利亚加,凯西.Aliaga@redpointcontrols.com
  • Social Chair: Angelica Adan, anjelica.adan@redpointcontrols.com
  • 参议院联络员:卡蒂亚·米勒,卡蒂亚.Miller@redpointcontrols.com
  • 网站管理员:Alex Martinez, Alex.martinez@redpointcontrols.com
  • 会员 & 招聘:


规章制度 of the 色彩协会职员 (SOCA), a staff organization of the yzcca88游戏登录网址, 2011年6月批准.

  • 第1条:名称、使命 & 历史

    Recognizing the unique experiences of 有色人种员工 和 the need for support, 在多元文化卓越中心的支持下,有色人种协会于2011年2月成立. 该组织的使命是创建一个变革性和支持性的社区,通过分享经验来促进个人和职业发展, strategies 和 resources for 有色人种员工. The organization will serve as a means to assist the University in recruiting, 保留, 和促进, 有色人种员工.

    虽然SOCA的工作将集中在有色人种员工面临的问题上,但该组织承认,它将解决的任何问题也将对所有DU员工产生积极影响. 本组织将努力与其他以工作人员为中心的组织(如工作人员咨询委员会)在共同利益相交的地方进行合作.

    Through regular meetings 和 programming, SOCA focuses on issues that include but are not limited to:

    • 网络和社区建设
    • 专业发展
    • 提出并解决与yzcca88游戏登录网址有色人种员工成功相关的问题
  • 第二条:会员资格

    会员 is open to any staff member currently employed at the yzcca88游戏登录网址. Attendance at 项目 和 meetings is open to all other interested parties, but only members may vote in elections or other matters. The Secretary will keep the membership roster. The group will target staff who self-identify as a person of color. 该小组将从大学各级招聘成员,而不仅仅是受益或非豁免的工作人员.  该小组必须包括DU设施管理部门的代表,特别是保管单位的代表.

  • 第三条:官员

    以下官员将构成有色人种协会职员的管理机构. 任期为一年. Individuals may not hold the same office for more than three consecutive years. An officer may also hold a Coordinator position, but may not hold more than one of the officer positions at any given time.

    1. 联合主席:根据本文件规定的条件,每年选举两名联合主席. 联合主席的职责包括, but are not limited to: establishing time 和 place of meetings, 主持会议, representing SOCA in public statements 和 writings, working closely with the other officers 和 members or coordinators, 为组织的管理提供全面指导,并根据需要批准支出.
    2. Secretary: The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes 和 taking attendance at meetings; publicizing meetings 和 other 项目; providing minutes to the membership in a timely manner 和 conducting meetings in the absence of the Co-Chairs.
    3. Treasurer: The Treasurer will manage the organization's budget, ensuring organization bills are paid 和 collecting fees in a timely fashion; 和 presenting a report to the membership as needed. 财务主管必须了解并能够使用学校的财务系统来履行职责.
    4. Liaison to 工作人员 Advisory Council (SAC).  SAC联络员将定期出席SAC会议,代表SAC并向SAC成员通报SAC的最新活动.  
  • 第四条:协调员职位

    In addition to the officer positions in article 3, SOCA shall maintain the following coordinator positions on a st和ing basis. These individuals are appointed by the Co-Chairs after soliciting volunteers. 任期为一年. 个人当选同一职位的任期没有限制,个人同时担任同一职位的次数也没有限制, but diversity of leadership is valued.

    1. 网站管理员:网站管理员负责及时维护网站和社交媒体账户,以促进组织的沟通和营销.
    2. 会员 & 招聘:该职位负责与管理员和网站管理员密切合作,宣传小组的活动和目标,并在全校范围内鼓励成员加入. 会员和招聘协调员负责维护SOCA的列表服务和管理组织的会员. 职责还包括, but is not limited to: creating or updating brochures; creating flyers; providing news releases to University or other Media, 等.
  • 第五条:提名 & 选举

    委员的提名将在四月的会议上征求,并通过名单系统公布给委员, 网站或其他方式. 选举 will be held at the May meeting each year.  获奖者将通过电子邮件和/或出席会议的成员的简单多数投票选出. 在年度选举前出现的空缺应由联合主席自行决定任命填补.

  • 第六条:会议

    Regular meetings shall be held on a monthly basis on the last Tuesday of each month, for a minimum of one hour at any appropriate location on campus, which may be the same location each month. Special meetings may be called at the discretion of the co-chairs.

  • 第七条:外部顾问

    社会事务协调会成员可以聘请一名外部顾问,为联合主席和其他成员实现组织目标提供支持和鼓励. 该顾问可以来自yzcca88游戏登录网址社区内部或外部,但必须同意根据需要全年自愿工作.

  • 第八条:章程的修订



发电子邮件告诉我们你有兴趣加入, 评论, 担忧, questions or meeting suggestions for the 色彩协会职员 at:


SOCA began in early 2011 with support from the Center for Multicultural Excellence, 并与人力资源部密切合作,促进和提供工作人员发展的联合方案.  事务协调会现在是大学内的一个组织,其重点是对保留和提升极为重要的问题, 网络, 社区建设, 和 professional development of 有色人种员工.

SOCA has a long-term goal of supporting any staff member desiring support.  We focus on the following initiatives:

  • 与相关部门合作,提供资源以寻找合格的多元化员工
  • Provide a support system for 有色人种员工 once on campus
  • Encourage retention of 有色人种员工
  • Promote Inclusive Excellence with 有色人种员工